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Mandatory Prerequisite Questionnaire



In order to provide a fully customized and educational training experience, we've designed various sessions to accommodate for different levels of industry experience. 


To be matched with sessions that are best for you, complete the questionnaire. Upon completion, you will receive a confirmation email and KCC will contact you with options that will work best for you! 


Select Training Date
Have you used Tracer TU not including setpoints?
Have you found defects in the field? If Yes, expain as many as possible below.
Will you be driving or flying to/from training?
When will you be traveling back home?
What is your opinion on the Horizon Product Overall?Very PoorPoorAverageAbove AverageGreatWhat is your opinion on the Horizon Product Overall?

Thanks for submitting! ​Please understand that classes are attendance sensitive. This means that we must have a minimum of 15 attendees for a training to be held and trainings will be considered at full capacity at 25.

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